Welcome to

St. Martin’s Lutheran Church & School

St. Martin’s is a congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod (LCMS) since 1856. We are blessed by God to serve the people of Winona, MN and the surrounding communities. Come worship the Lord with us.

Service Times

Sunday Morning:
8:00am and 10:30am

Saturday Evening:

Weekly Bible Studies

Adult Bible Class &
Sunday School:


Men’s Bible Breakfast:
6:45am – 8:00am

Ladies Bible Class:
7:45am – 8:30am


328 East Broadway Street
Winona, MN 55987

(507) 452-6928

Our Mission Statement

“Joyfully Sharing God’s Gifts”

We the redeemed of God, called to be St. Martin’s Lutheran Church and School, joyfully commit ourselves to the God-given privilege of sharing the Gospel to make disciples. Utilizing our God-given gifts, we will share God’s love, teach God’s Word and celebrate God’s sacraments. Rejoicing in His gifts we live as witnesses in the assurance of forgiveness and salvation.

St. Martin’s Capital Fund Campaign

Continuing the Mission

Join us in continuing our building project with Phase II! Our goal is to complete the building of our new gymnasium. It would house a double gymnasium and provide a large gathering space for events, as well as connect the Church and the School campuses. To learn more about this project visit our Campaign Website.