Get Involved
Our Ministries

Adult Bible Class
9:30am – 10:15am
Meets downstairs in the Church Fellowship Hall

Sunday School
9:30am – 10:15am
Ages Pre-K – 8th Grade
Meets in the Sanctuary and then transitions to the Education Building

Men’s Bible Breakfast
Wednesday Mornings
6:45am – 8:00am
Meets downstairs in the Church Fellowship Hall

Ladies Bible Class
Wednesday Mornings
7:45am – 8:30am
Meets downstairs in the Church Fellowship Hall

Family Book Club
3rd Sundays of the Month
For more information
Contact Thomas Johnson

WSU Campus Bible Study
Tuesday Evenings
8:30pm – 10:00pm
Meets on WSU’s Campus in Zane’s

Youth Group
6th – 12th Grade
Check Church Calendar for Dates
Meets downstairs in the Church Fellowship Hall

6:30pm – 7:30pm
Meets in the Church Sanctuary
For more information
Contact Dan Lewis
(507) 452 – 6928 ext. 156

Handbell Choir
5:30pm – 6:30pm
Meets in the Church Balcony
For more information
Contact Dan Lewis
(507) 452 – 6928 ext. 156
Upcoming Events
March 21st
5:00pm – 7:00pm
St. Martin’s Lutheran School
Date Night Drop Off
Come drop off your kid(s) and have yourself a date night! This is open to parents with children ages 6mo to 10 years old. You will drop your child off at St. Martin’s Elementary School building (312 E Broadway St) starting at 5:00pm and picking up at 7:00pm.
Children will be in the Kindergarten classroom or outside in the playground under the supervision of two adults from the congregation with background checks. Contact information for the adult leaders will be available as requested.
Space is limited to 12 children. First come first serve. Freewill Donations Accepted.

April 15th & 16th
St. Martin’s Lutheran Church
Seder Supper
Join us in the Church Fellowship hall April 15th or 16th for a Seder Supper reflecting the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples. There is an $11 fee and you can sign up in the Church Narthex.
Four times your glass will be filled to the brim with wine and drained. With that in mind, please bring a small cup and a wine of your choosing.

Church Calendar

Ask the Pastors
Have you ever had a curiosity that you couldn’t bring yourself to ask about? What does God think about…? Is it okay for a Christian to…? Ask the Pastors is for you to get those unresolved questions answered. Your question will be anonymously delivered to Pastors Moore and Lewis and they will prepare a faithful, Biblical response to your question on the blog page.
Submit your questions and read responses on the blog page.