St. Martin’s
Elementary School
Come be a Mustang with us at St. Martin’s Lutheran School! Our Christian educators are equipped to provide a complete education for God’s children by meeting their social, intellectual, spiritual, physical and emotional needs. We also believe that the family has the greatest impact on a child’s education, and that together, with the partnership of home, school and church, we can successfully raise the next generation of Christian leaders for now and for the next 150+ years.
Learn more about the opportunities your child can expect at St. Martin’s Lutheran Elementary and enroll today:
Student Life
Students will have a variety of experiences throughout their time at St. Martin’s Elementary, such as weekly Chapel services, various field trips, athletic events, and fine art opportunities.
Students are also encouraged to be active in school activities beyond the classroom. Principles of teamwork and striving to do one’s best are reinforced through these programs:
- Music Academy
- Instrumental Music lessons/Band
- Coed Cross Country
- Coed Soccer
- Coed Volleyball
- Girls Basketball
- Boys Basketball
- Coed Softball
- Track Day
Academic Enrichment
St. Martin’s Elementary is committed to a strong academic program that inspires the growth of knowledge and skills as lifelong learners.
Our Classrooms:
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- Combined 3rd & 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- 6th Grade
- Combined 7th & 8th Grade

Join us for Chapel
Wednesday Mornings
8:30am – 9:15am
Meets in St Martin’s Sanctuary
Each week all students (K – 8th grade) and teachers gather for Chapel. We pray, sing songs, listen to choirs and instrumentalists, take an offering and hear God’s Word.
Families and visitors are always welcome and encouraged to attend. Chapels are led by the area Lutheran pastors, principal, guest presenters, Hope Lutheran High, teachers and students.

School Calendar
School Staff

Chris Jacobson
7th & 8th Grade / Athletic Director
(507) 452 – 6928
ext. 157

Michelle Alexander
4th – 8th Art Teacher
(507) 452 – 6928
ext. 155

Matthew Horton