Since 1856, St. Martin’s Lutheran Church has been given by God the privilege to reach out to the Winona Community with the great news of Christ Jesus. In 2006 we celebrated 150 years of God’s continual grace. The two narrative histories below, “The First 100 Years” and “Into the Second 100 Years” were compiled in response, as well as a Chronologically Dated History to summarize key dates. Spend time reading of our past below.
The First 100 Years
Time to Read: 19 minutes
Into the Second 100 Years
Time to Read: 23 minutes
The First 125 Years: Chronologically Dated
Time to Read: 8 minutes
The First 100 Years
The Second 100 Years
The First 125 Years
Chronologically Dated
St. Martin’s Lutheran Congregation, named after St. Martin of Tour’s (the founder of our modern day chaplaincy programs), was organized with fifteen adult members by the Rev. L. F. E. Krause of the Buffalo Synod. Among the organizing members were Elder Tobias Leeb, Nicolaus Wenk, and John Bartels. A half-lot was bought at 352 E. Fifth for $130.00 upon which they built an edifice 18 x 30 and dedicated it shortly before Christmas, 1856.
St. Martin’s was served by Pastor A. Brandt of Hart and pastors of the Buffalo Synod around Milwaukee.
Were years of diminishing growth of the congregation. Pastor Krause, who had served the congregation for one year in 1856, returned for a three-year period of ministry.
Were years without a pastor. During this time Tobias Leeb would come to church with a small organ under one arm and a sermon book under the other to conduct a service for his family and a few other worshippers.
The President of Synod proposed Pastor von Rohr of Toledo, Ohio become the new pastor. Seven members of the congregation called him and he was installed on June 27, 1866. A Mr. Fiebranz of Milwaukee, who had business interests here, offered to pay $100.00 of the annual $350.00 salary.
In early July, Pastor von Rohr started a parochial school with six pupils and by fall of that year he had eighty. A branch congregation at Wilson was also started which paid a third of his salary for six years.
In June of this year, property was purchased at Broadway and Liberty for $275.00.
The church was moved to the rear of this property and a twenty-foot addition was added.
The growing enrollment caused the congregation to employ a full-time teacher, Joseph Mueller, a nephew of Pastor von Rohr.
By this time the congregation had grown to sixty families and a second church with brick veneer was built measuring 36 x 80 feet for $5000.00. The congregation borrowed $1,000 at 12% interest.
St. Martin’s joined the Evangelical Joint Synod of Wisconsin and other States.
By this time a second classroom was needed. Two lots were bought on the northwest corner of Fifth and Chestnut for $800.00 and a one-story school building was erected for $3,200. The first teacher was Joseph Mueller and the second teacher, O. Gebhard.
A second teacher was called by name of M. F. Walz.
A pipe organ was purchased for $1,300 through the special efforts of M. F. Walz.
The old church was sold for $75 and a new church was dedicated on December 12th at a cost of over $19,000.
The West End Branch School was established at King and Minnesota Streets. The lot and the building cost about $2000. It was taught by the Assistant Pastor.
The original school at Fifth and Chestnut had grown too small and a second story was added.
On the fortieth anniversary, the congregation numbered 500 families and 1400 communicants.
The Rev. Alfred Sauer came to St. Martin’s on July 29th and married Elfrieda von Rohr, daughter of the Pastor. After the death of Pastor von Rohr, Alfred was installed as Pastor on January 17, 1909. He taught at the West End School and conducted services at Minnesota City and Minneiska.
Pastor and Mrs. von Rohr left for Europe to consult a specialist for the Pastor. He returned ill with cancer. Shortly after his return, Dr. Will Mayo came to Winona on a special train. The doctor operated on Pastor von Rohr in an emergency on the dining room table, which prolonged his life for a few years. Pastor von Rohr died on December 22, 1908 at the age of sixty-five years, two weeks after baptizing his grandchild from a wheelchair. He had served St. Martin’s forty-two-and-a-half years, was President of The Wisconsin Synod twenty years, and served in various civic capacities.
The fiftieth anniversary of the congregation, at which time a beautiful new altar and pulpit, termed the finest in the northwest, were added to the church. New galleries on both sides of the church, a new roof, and a redecorated interior were part of the celebration.
Mr. Max Hackbarth was installed as Principal. He served until 1931.
At a cost of $1,800, an addition was made at the West End School. This school continued until 1921.
Sunday Schools were conducted at Sugar Loaf and in East Burns Valley. By this time, the congregation numbered 900 families and about 3,000 souls.
On the occasion of the Sixtieth Anniversary a new Austin organ was installed, which is still in service today.
The present two-story brick school was built north of the church at Fifth and Liberty. Mr. Traugott Zuberbier became principal that year.
A new congregation was started in Pickwick, and they called a pastor in the next year.
St. Matthew’s began sending pupils to St. Martin’s.
Pastor Sauer was given his first Assistant in the person of his son, Alfred von Rohr Sauer, who helped him until 1948 when he was called as Professor of Old Testament Theology to Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri.
Dr. Alfred von Rohr Sauer became principal, serving until 1947.
Emanuel Arndt was called as Principal.
Following Pastor Alfred’s departure, Wilmer Hoffmann was called as Vicar.
After finishing his last year at the Seminary, Pastor Wilmer Hoffmann was called back to St. Martin’s and installed by Rev. Sauer. Three other vicars provided assistance at St. Martin’s, Mr. George Luecke- ’49-’50, Mr. Donald Sellnow- ’52-’53, and Mr. Robert Carter- ’53-’54.
Three phases of renovation are begun.
The Centennial Stewardship Campaign raised $245,000 over a three-year period.
The Rev. H. Backer. coming from Mt. Calvary Lutheran in La Crosse, Wisconsin was installed on February 13th. Pastor Sauer died on May 17th, at the age of 73 years, shortly before his fiftieth anniversary of service to St. Martin’s. St. Matthew’s built their own school. The previous year, St. Martin’s School enrollment reached a record 285 students. The following year the enrollment was still 265, including 30 junior high students from St. Matthew’s.
A brick exterior of the church refaced with stone gave it a new look. The steeple was lowered by removing the spire, which had been the highest in the city and was found in good structural condition. A new red-tile roof and stained-glass windows were added for a total cost of $155,000.
Pastor Wilmer Hoffmann accepts a call to Illinois.
The Rev. Emil Geistfeld becomes Associate Pastor, taking the place of Ref. Hoffmann.
The Rev. Harold Backer dies suddenly of a heart attack. The Rev. R. Korn assists during the interim.
The Rev. A. Deye is called from St. Paul to become Associate Pastor, after the Congregation decided to join The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. Mr. Floyd Broker is called from Young America, Minnesota to be the Principal. He also served as organist and choir director.
The Rev. Geistfeld accepts a call to Vernon Center,Minnesota. St. Martin’s becomes active in helping to establish the Sauer Memorial Home.
The Rev. Merlin Wegener is called from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis to become Assistant Pastor. He served until 1966.
Another St. Louis Seminary graduate was called as Assistant Pastor, namely The Rev. Ronald Jansen. He served until 1970 when he accepted a call to Zion Lutheran of Albert Lea, Minnesota. During the interim, Rev. C. F. Kurzweg assisted, and after his death in August, 1970, Rev. Louis Bittner helped with the work at St. Martin’s. Mr. Robert Wolf, who had been called as teacher from Trinity, Lone Oak, Minnesota in 1961, became principal.
The Rev. Kenneth Krueger, a graduate of Concordia Seminary was called as Assistant Pastor and served until 1976.
Pastor A. Deye terminates his position as Sr. Pastor and the congregation calls Rev. Richard Krenzke as Head Pastor.
A church redecorating project as well as an organ renovation is undertaken. Mr. Gerald Nast accepted the call to serve as principal. He had formerly served in Michigan.
The congregation celebrates her 125th Anniversary with special services on May 2nd and 3rd at which time former pastors were invited to participate, including Pastors Alfred von Rohr Sauer, Wilmer G. Hoffmann, Merlin Wegener, Ronald A. Jansen, Emil Geistfeld, and later in the year, Kenneth Krueger. The School had 142 pupils in grades Kindergarten through ninth grade. A preschool was added and the building underwent changes to provide offices and conference room space.